Three Years After a Pedestrian Bridge Collapsed FMCC is Nearing Completion of Two New State of the Art Bridges

On June 24, 2021, a pedestrian bridge collapsed over I-295. That bridge was one of our region's multiple bridges with poor safety ratings. Three years later, after a strong commitment from DC to improve the quality of the District’s pedestrian bridges, Fort Myer Construction is nearing completion of two new pedestrian bridges over I-295.
The Douglas and Lane Street Bridges in the northern portion of I-295 are state-of-the-art steel truss bridges that will significantly improve safety, access, and reliability for nearby residents to travel on foot or bike across the interstate highway.
Both bridges required the removal and replacement of previously existing pedestrian bridges. The work on these projects commenced in multiple phases, starting with building new bridge foundations and ramps on each side of the intersection, erecting a steel truss across the highway and securing it, and then demolishing the previous bridges. Micropiles were driven an average of 60 feet in the ground to support the foundation of the Lane Street Bridge. Continuous Flight Augur Piles were used on the Douglas Street Bridge.
The new bridges are more comprehensive for increased traffic and include dual ramp and stair access to ensure accessibility for all residents. The work also included upgrades to the existing stormwater management and sewer system near the bridge. LED lighting was installed to make residents feel safe at all hours of the day.