A Message from Marvin McFadden, Ph.D., Director of Learning and Education Department

The FMCC Learning & Education team fosters safety and workforce skills for success. Here are some snapshots from our diverse classes!
Principles of Learning:
Readiness: The degree of willingness and eagerness of an individual to learn something new.
Exercise: Repetition reinforces memory; frequently practiced skills are best remembered.
Implementation: Putting new knowledge into practice solidifies learning.
Result: Observing positive outcomes from learning boosts motivation.
Prevalence: Consistently reinforcing learning principles ensures widespread application.
Recency: Recent experiences and information are remembered better.
Intensity: Engaging, emotionally charged learning experiences are more impactful.
Freedom: Autonomy in learning fosters creativity and innovation.
Employees who receive training and development directly from their employer feel valued and see that the business is invested in their progress and potential. This recognition motivates them to work harder, contributing to a positive organizational culture.
Organizational Culture:
Executives: 94% believe that company culture helps them outperform competitors.
Employees: 88% think that a great company culture is crucial for business success.
Investing in employee growth makes them feel appreciated, leading to greater engagement, performance, and commitment. Training is essential to job satisfaction for 68% of employees. Happy employees are more likely to recommend your company to others, enhancing your reputation.
Training Benefits:
Skill Development: Training provides opportunities to learn various skills, knowledge, and technical know-how.
Performance Improvement: Better skills lead to increased quantity and quality of output in the workplace.