Location: 31st Street Bridge NW over C&O Canal, Washington, DC
Client: District Department of Transportation
Project Description
The 31st Street Bridge Replacement project will restore an existing two span bridge with a single span steel multi-girder superstructure with a new bridge constructed behind the existing canal walls. The existing pier was removed, salvaged, rehabilitated, and reset in its original location, but will no longer support the bridge and will have new ADA compliant sidewalks and ramps.
Fort Myer was responsible for the installation of a temporary pedestrian bridge prior to the start of the bridge construction to maintain pedestrian access across the C&O Canal at all times. The project also includes installation of temporary structures to laterally support the existing canal walls. Our team installed temporary utility supports, with protection of existing utilities, and coordination with all utility companies for relocation prior to bridge replacement. The removal, restoration, and re-installation of the historic pier and construction of a new bridge and railing, with ADA-compliant sidewalks and ramps.
Project Significance
This bridge is one of three Georgetown C&O Canal Historic Bridges that will be restored and replaced. This construction addresses deferred maintenance issues and related safety and accessibility concerns associated with the canal. It also improves connections between Georgetown and the canal and enhances visitors' experience through increased signage and optimizing underutilized areas.
Two of the key initiatives of the Service Request Center is to prevent the possibility of injury to the public due to inadequate sidewalks and to construct wheelchair and bicycle ramps to meet the regulations established by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Many of these wheelchair ramps are constructed in areas that were previously not handicap accessible. Cooperative work between DDOT's inspectors and Fort Myer Superintendents and Project manager allowed for remedial work to be planned based on existing conditions. This involved engineering, as well as experience, to control some areas that were challenging due to existing conditions (i.e. subgrade instability, water overflow due to slopes, etc.) when attempting to maintain the District standards. This was the largest IDIQ contract Fort Myer’s with DDOT which was sustained by 13-15 crews that included subcontractors on a weekly basis
This project was also featured on the cover of Building Washington Magazine for its historical significance, challenging location, and our workmanship in Summer 2020.