Location: 14TH Street NW, DC one mile from Thomas Circle to Florida Ave.
Client: District Department of Transportation
Project Description
14th Street NW Streetscape project provided a diverse major multi-modal transportation and active business community with a more safe and accessible corridor for residents and commuters. The objective of this project was to increase multi-modal safety and accessibility; improve mobility and pedestrian safety with ADA compliance; and improve the corridor with new streetscape. ​
Fort Myer was responsible for roadway resurfacing, installation/upgrade of curbs and gutters, installation of bus stop islands, drainage improvements, landscaping, LED streetlights and traffic signals, multi-space parking meters, and Low Impact Development (LID) features including bio-retention planters and permeable pavers.
Project Significance
This project highlights two key initiatives launched by the Mayor Bowser administration. PaveDC, a comprehensive plan to eliminate the poor condition of roads in Washington, DC by 2024 and the 10th annual Potholepalooza, a month-long campaign to accelerate pothole repairs in the DC area. Under these two initiatives, this project enhanced multimodal accessibility, and made the street safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. One of the key improvements is a design feature called bus boarding islands, which eliminates some of the conflicts between bikes and buses.
Mayor Muriel Bowser hosted a groundbreaking ceremony in April 2018 to celebrate the project start. She said “This is one of the busiest corridors in DC, carrying 23,000 vehicles a day, 175 bicycles an hour, and 13,000 daily bus riders. This project is making it safer, more accessible, and beautiful.”